Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Life, Knitting and a Finished Project

I devote a lot of time and energy to my toddler. I think toddlers suck the energy right out of us moms, they keep going and going and going. So we are on our way to a potty trained child not that it doesn't take even more time and energy then I normally put into caring for her. Lucky for us she is getting it. My blog time coinsides with her nap and I can actually sit back and reflect on things.

As for knitting still working on the test knitting and getting excited to start the Christmas knitting I have 3 project Gauntlets, Leg Warmers and the ruffled skirt that I am working on. They are all my own ideas so hopefully I can get the patterns up on Ravelry and for sale.

Big news for my knitting I have a finished project. My first pair of toe up socks are done! Now to start three more projects as soon as I finish my current test knit.

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